Tahu yang Difermentasi Rhizopus sp. Menurunkan Kadar Glukosa Darah Tikus Putih(Rattus norvegicus)

Eldaa Putik Bunga Melati, Budiyanti Wiboworini, Briandani Subariyanti


Introductions : Controlling of blood glucose would be important to prevent many complications of DM. Consuming fiber is one way to maintain blood glucose level. These amount of fiber could be obtained in tofu fermented by Rhizopus sp. This research aimed to know the effect of tofu fermented by Rhizopus sp. in controlling  blood glucose level of diabetic induced white rats (Rattus norvegicus).

Methods : This research was a laboratoric-experimental study. The subjects were Rattus norvegicusgrouped randomly. The total 30 Rattus norvegicus were injected by Alloxan 15mg/100gramBW, then randomly allocated into 5 group, positive control group (glibenclamide 0.05mg/100gramBW/day), negative control group (aquadest), and treatment groups with different doses of fermented tofu (0.025gram/100 gramBW/day; 0.050gram/100 gramBW/day; 0.100gram/100gramBW/day). The research design was Pretest and Posttest Control Group Design. The fasting blood glucose were measuredbefore Alloxan injection (day-2), after Alloxan injection (day-5), and after the treatments (day-19).

Results : there was a significant decrease of blood glucose level in all treatment groups and positive control (p = 0.001). Post Hoc Test showed a significant difference between all treatment groups and positive control group compared to negative control group (p = 0.001).

Conclusion :Tofu fermented by Rhizopus sp. was able to decrease blood glucose level in diabetic rats (Rattus norvegicus).


Keyword : Tofu fermented, Rhizopus sp., blood glucose level, alloxan, glibenclamide

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