PERMASALAHAN MEMBACA PADA SISWA TUNARUNGU Penelitian Kualitatif di SLB Pembina Nasional Malang

Ahsan Romadlon Junaidi


Qualitative research on the issue of reading comprehension in students with hearing
impairment or deaf in special school grade XI at the SLB Pembina Nasional Malang show that deaf
students have problems in reading comprehension in five categories: (1) difficulties understanding
passive verbs and the passive voice; (2) difficulty to understand the object of the sentence; (3)
difficulty in understanding the contextual meaning of a sentence or text; (4) difficulty understanding
affixationwords; and (5) difficulty answering questions from a text. These reading problems
understanding, based on the results of the discussion, due to the lack of understanding the meaning of
the language of deaf and barriers in the form of language mastery.

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