PENGEMBANGAN MATA KULIAH PENDIDIKAN INKLUSIF DI FKIP UNS (Perspektif Kepala Program Studi sebagai Pengambil Kebijakan)

Sugini Sugini, munawir yusuf


This reseach’s aim is to know how the perspective of leader in in the Faculty of Education in Sebelas Maret University about improvement of Inclusive Education as a one of compulsary subject. This research is conducted as a non parametric descriptive research. There were 21 leader in the faculty of teacher and Education Sebelas Maret Univesity as respondens.  Data is taken using  questionnaire  with  four alternative  answer agree and disagree. The results show that approximately 50% respondent stand for agree to Inclusive Education as a compulsary subject for students in Faculty of teacher and Education in Sebelas Maret University.


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