Upaya meningkatkan kompetensi guru dalam menyusun RPP melalui supervisi akademik dengan teknik pertemuan individual di sekolah dasar

Widowati Widowati


Learning planning is a very important step before the implementation of learning.
Careful planning is needed so that the implementation of learning runs effectively. Learning
planning is poured into the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) or several other terms such as
learning design, learning scenarios. RPP contains KD, indicators to be achieved, material to be
studied, learning methods, learning steps, learning media, and learning resources and
assessments. In this school action research consists of two cycles, namely cycle I and cycle 2.
Where in each cycle consists of action planning, action implementation, observation and
reflection. This research was conducted on teachers of SD Negeri Gondowangi 1 in semester 2
of the 2015/2016 academic year. Data collection in cycles I and II used interviews and
questionnaires. The analysis technique was carried out qualitatively and quantitatively.
This study aims to improve the competence of teachers through the making of Learning
Implementation Plans. The results showed that with the supervision of the principal there was
an increase. The teacher's assessment results on average reached a percentage value of 79.54 to
91.13, an increase of 11.59 after academic supervision was carried out with individual meeting
techniques. Therefore, it is expected to always improve their performance in learning so that
the quality of education at SDN Gondowangi will increase.

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