Pengembangan Jiwa Kewirausahaan Melalui Unit Produksi “Siklus” dengan Strategi Pembelajaran Teaching Factory Menuju Sekolah Pencetak Wirausaha

Agus Triyana, Cicilia Wahyu Wening P, Indriyani Voluntri Aziz


The writing aims to describe the planning, process, and results of implementing the
development of an entrepreneurial spirit through a superior product "cycle" with a teaching
factory learning strategy towards an entrepreneurial school at SMKN 7 Purworejo In
accordance with the competency standards of graduates at SMK, namely producing graduates
who are ready to become workers or entrepreneurship and continue higher education in
accordance with their vocational skills, it encourages authors to improve the entrepreneurial
spirit at SMK N 7 Purworejo to prepare graduates or skilled workers to shape students
towards human resources. Human (HR) quality so that it can create jobs and reduce the
number of unemployed. The "SIKLUS" Production Unit as one of the production units that has
been running at SMK N 7 Purworejo which is implemented using a teaching factory learning
strategy in the competency of Fashion Design is a means of developing entrepreneurship for
school residents. The product "SIKLUS" has become the flagship product of SMK N 7
Purworejo which has also become the mainstay of the Purworejo Regency Industry Office to
become an example of useful work to improve the economy of the people in Purworejo.

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