Peningkatan Keterampilan Guru dalam Mengajar Melalui Implementasi Supervisi Klinis

Timur Timur


The purpose of this research is increasing the teachers’ of 2 Kajar General
Elementary School, Sub District of Gunem, Regency of Rembang skills on teaching on 1st
Semester 2019/2020 Year Academic. The design of this research is a School Action Research
(SAR) with Kemmis and Mc Taggart model’s. The place of this research is 2 Kajar General
Elementary School, Sub District of Gunem, Regency of Rembang. The time of this research is
four months: from August up to November 2019. The subjects of this research are three
teachers; Teacher of IV Grade, V Grade and VI Grade. The object of this research is the
teachers’ skills on teaching. The techniqu of analyzing data of this research is descriptive
analyzing. The result of this research is the teachers’ of 2 Kajar General Elementary School,
Sub District of Gunem, Regency of Rembang skills on teaching on 1st Semester 2019/2020
Year Academic increased from poor category into good category.


clinical supervision, the teachers’ skill, elementary school

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