Optimalisasi Slide Power Point dengan Penerapan Metode Diskusi Kelompok dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar PKN Tentang Keutuhan Negara Republik Indonesia pada Peserta Didik Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

Sukarti Sukarti


The purposes of this research are describing the optimization of slide power point in
Group Discussion Method in Civic Education learning about the Unity of Indonesian Republic
on the five grade students of Bulu Elementary School on the First Semester 2016/2017
Academic Year and analyzing the optimization of slide power point in Group Discussion
Method toward to Civic Education learning result about the Unity of Indonesian Republic on
the five grade students of Bulu Elementary School on the First Semester 2016/2017 Academic
Year. This research is a Class Action Research (CAR). The subjects of this research are 16
students. The results of this research are 1) the optimization of slide power point in Group
Discussion Method is in a small group according to the sum and the characteristic of the
students, 2) the optimization of slide power point in Group Discussion Method has the
functions as the learning resource and learning media that showing relevant pictures with the
subject matter, 3) the application of Group Discussion Method in a small group is increasing
the students’ learning activities in discussion, answering the questions correctly and asking the
following questions, 4) the optimization of slide power point in Group Discussion Method has
the same of group composition, so the students are not adapting with their group, 5) the
optimization of slide power point in Group Discussion Method is increasing the students’
learning result, so qualified the minimal completeness criteria and minimal completeness at


slide power point, discussion, elementary school, learning outcame

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