Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter dengan Model Pembiasaan untuk Meningkatkan Kedisiplinan Siswa di SDN Mluweh 01 Kecamatan Ungaran Timur Kabupaten Semarang

A Mustad


Abstract. The purpose of this study is to find out how the concept of applying character education with the habituation model at SDN Mluweh 01 and whether the application of character education with the habituation model can improve student discipline at SDN Mluweh 01. School Action Research (PTS) is conducted at SDN Mluweh 01 Ungaran Timur District Semarang Regency. The subjects in this PTS are Mluweh 01 Public Elementary School, Ungaran Timur District, Semarang Regency with 183 students divided into 6 classes. The results of this study are that the character education applied with the habituation model in Mluweh 01 Elementary School there are three values namely, religious values, grades discipline, and the value of caring for the environment. While the application of character
values through habituation in SDN Mluweh 01 is carried out through programmed activities, routine activities, and spontaneous activities. The application of character education with the habituation model can improve student discipline. This can be seen in the results of a research questionnaire about student discipline that has increased in each cycle. In the pre-cycle stage, student discipline only reached 50%. In the first cycle, the level of student discipline increased and was at 69%. While in the second cycle, the level of student discipline reached 91%. So it can be concluded that the application of character education with the habituation model can improve the discipline of students of SDN Mluweh 01.

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