Effects of Career Development Education on Students’ Future Career Anxiety and Career Adaptability

Afia Fitriani, Aditya Nanda Priyatama, Fadjri Kirana Anggarani, Rini Setyowati, Arif Tri Setyanto, Raihana Qonita Azzahra, Sarah Raihan Septiana Afifah


Career adjustment or career adaptability will continuously be faced by individuals since in school until the university. When studying in a college major that tends to be specific, students should no longer feel anxious about their future careers because they tend to have a clear career path. This study aims to examine the effect of career development education with the Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) approach to overcome career future anxiety and career adaptability in university students. This experimental study was conducted with a one group pretest posttest experimental research design, towards 18 students as its sample. This research design allows researchers to see changes in subjects before and after participating in career development education. The paired sample t-test data analysis that has been conducted shows future career anxiety values (t-value = 1.207; p = 0.244) and career adaptability (t-value = -0.061; p = 0.952), where the results indicate that there is no significant change in subjects before and after taking part in the career development education.


career adaptability; career future anxiety; career development education

DOI: https://doi.org/10.20961/wacana.v16i2.91835


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