Hubungan antara Manajemen Diri dan Persepsi dengan gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional dengan Motivasi Mengembangkan Karir Pada PNS

Selly Astriana, Fathul Himam


This research aims to determine the relationship between self-management and perceptions of transformational leadership style with motivation to develop careers in Civil Servants (PNS). The research subjects were 108 Civil Servants from an agency in Surakarta. Subjects were selected using a sampling technique, namely, a population study. The data collection method in this research uses a motivation scale for developing careers for employees (α=0.909), a self-management scale (α=0.926), and a scale for employee perceptions of transformational leadership style (α=0.957). Data analysis using multiple regression analysis techniques produced a multiple correlation coefficient of 0.748 with an F value of 66.753 (p < 0.05). This means there is a significant influence between self-management and employee perceptions with a transformational leadership style and motivation to develop careers as civil servants. This research implies that there are internal factors, namely self-management, and external factors, namely transformational leadership, which can influence the motivation of civil servants in developing their careers


Motivation to develop a career; Perception of transformational leadership style; Self-management.



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