Alasan Berjudi pada Masyarakat Aceh (Tinjauan Psikologi)

Maya Khairani


Research on the reasons for gambling has continued to increase for decades in various parts of the world, however research on the reasons for gambling has never been carried out especially in Aceh Province. This study aimed to look at the reasons for gambling in the people of Aceh based on psychological review. Research conducted in Aceh which applying the concept of Islamic religion in social life and government policy. This research is a descriptive study with sample aged 16-54 years (n = 203) who actively gambled during the last 12 months and selected by purposive sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that the reason for gambling most chosen by the subject is the opportunity to earn a lot of money and make money (26.6%), followed by reasons for fun, hobbies or habits of the past, avoiding boredom or spending leisure time, and relaxed (25.6%), then the reasons for enhancement and social 18.7% respectively, and the least reas on chosen was gambling for coping (impressing others, and gambling activities help the subject when feeling tense) which is 10.3%. Gender and ethnicity variables have a relationship to the reasons for gambling.


Gambling; Psychology Perspective; Reasons for Gambling



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