Identifikasi Kondisi Psikologis Masyarakat Aceh Selama Pandemi COVID-19
Abstract. In early 2020, WHO changed the status of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) to a pandemic due to the number of events occurred worldwide. During this pandemic has changed the way of life and patterns of interaction in the world community. Changes create certain pressures that require adjustments to new conditions so that stress can be controlled, including the people in Aceh. The purpose of this study was to identify the psychological condition of the Acehnese people during the COVID-19 pandemic. This survey involved 348 respondents living in Aceh. Data collection uses the Perceived Stress Scale and the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale. The result of the analysis found that 7.8% of Acehnese are in a high level of stress, 70.7% moderate stress, and the rest is in a low level. While the psychological well-being of the Acehnese people, 48.3% were at a high level and 48.9% were at a moderate level. The results of this survey serve as a follow-up for the Association of Clinical Psychologists (IPK) in Aceh to provide psychological services to the community, both at the preventive and curative levels.
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