Coworker's Support dan Work Engagement pada Generasi Milenial

Etik Darul Muslikah, Yanto Prasetyo, Daniel Christanto, Benyamin Alexander


Millennial generation have the low level of  work engagement. Work engagement is an important thing that every employee needs to have. Employees with high work engagement will create a positive attitude at work and are able to generate satisfaction and improve work performance. This study aims to see the relationship between coworker's support and work engagement in the millennial generation at PT. XYZ Surabaya. Participants in this study amounted to 110 employees with an age range of 21-41 years. The technique used in this research is purposive sampling. The analytical method used is the Pearson product moment correlation test with the help of SPSS 20.0 for windows. The results showed a significant relationship (p <0.05), so it can be concluded that there is a positive relationship between coworker's support and work engagement.


coworker’s support, work engagement, generasi millennial



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