About the Journal
Journal title | : WACANA |
Initials | : WACANA |
Indexing | : SINTA | Google Scholar | Garuda | Dimensions |
Frequency | : Two issues per year (January and July) |
Grade | : Sinta 4 the decree No. 177/E/KPT/2024 |
: wacana@mail.uns.ac.id | |
ISSN | : 2085-0514 (Print) |
E-ISSN | : 2716-1625 (Online) |
Editor-in-chief | : Alma Marikka Geraldina |
Man. Editor | : Moh Abdul Hakim |
Publisher | : Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Sebelas Maret |
Established | : 2009 |
Area | : Psychology |
Collaboration | : APIK HIMPSI | HIMPSI |
Wacana: Jurnal Psikologi is an open access scientific journal that focuses on the development of psychology. Articles in this journal include scientific reviews and empirical research on various fields and methods of psychology that meet publication standards.
Wacana: Journal of Psychology accepts articles on related fields:
Clinical Psychology,
Developmental Psychology,
Educational Psychology,
Social Psychology,
Industrial and Organizational Psychology,
Cognitive psychology,
Program Studi Psikologi
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)
Gedung D Fakultas Psikologi
Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A Kentingan, Jebres, Surakarta Jawa Tengah 57126
email : wacana@mail.uns.ac.id

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