Putusan Lepas (Onslag Van Alle Rect Vervolging) Dengan Alasan Judex Factie Mengabaikan Ahli BPKP Dalam Perkara Korupsi
This study aims to determine the prosecutor's building laws, in asking the reason the reason in order to appeal against the decision off Judex factie and legal argument Judge Appeals to consider the reason the appeal of the Public Prosecutor in the Supreme Court No.1036.K/Pid.Sus/2010.
This research is a normative prescriptive law, USING case approach. The type of material used is a source of law primary legal materials in the form of Law No. 8 of 1981 on the Law of Criminal Procedure (Criminal Code), Act No. 5 of 2004 on amendments to the Law No. 14 year 1985 on the Supreme Court, Law Number 31 of 1999 on the eradication of corruption, as amended and supplemented by Act 20 of 2001 Number. Secondary sources of legal materials in the form of books, papers, papers, articles, source of internet-related, and other legal materials in the form of tertiary Big Indonesian Dictionary, law dictionary. Technical analysis of the legal materials is to use deductive analysis is to draw conclusions from things that are common to the problems faced concrete.
Keywords: Reason Cassation, Expert BPKP, Argument Supreme Court Judges, Corruption.
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