Pertimbangan Hakim Mahkamah Agung Dalam Memeriksa Pengajuan Upaya Hukum Terhadap Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Makasar Dalam Perkara Pencemaran Nama Baik Melalui Tulisan

Muhammad Nur Huda


      This study aims to determine whether the judgment of the Supreme Court Justice in checking the filing of a legal action against the Makassar District Court in a case of defamation through writing. This study is a prescriptive normative law, found in concreto law concerning the rights of the defendant filed a cassation against the decision of the Makassar District Court in a case of defamation. The type of data used are secondary data. The type of material used in the writing of the law is the law of material sekunder.Dari secondary law can be obtained sources of primary legal materials and sources of secondary law. Secondary law is legal materials obtained from library materials in the form of explanations that are not directly acquired through the study of literature, laws and regulations, such as the Code of Criminal Procedure (Criminal Procedure Code), Regulation of the judiciary, and the legislation that related, archives relating to the problems examined such charges, demands, decision, cassation, and scientific writings and other written sources. In this study will be discussed concerning the consideration of the Supreme Court Judges in checking the filing of a legal action against the Makassar District Court in a case of defamation through writing

      Keywords: Defamation, rights of the accused, the appeal

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