Nanik Setyawati


Advertising with the aim of building a brand image, selling products is carried out by many

advertisers in the digital space. One type of advertising that is quite popular because the

presentation attracts the attention and interest of the audience is food and drink advertising in

online videos. The use of language to reflect persuasive communication in advertising will be

useful if presented with the basic characteristics of advertising writing. The aim of this research

is to describe the basic characteristics of advertising design for child-friendly food and

beverage products in online videos. This type of qualitative research analyzes data inductively,

starting from data as evidence rather than emphasizing a theoretical model. Determination of

the sample in this research was purposive sampling by ensuring that the samples obtained were

in accordance with the research objectives. Checking data validity utilizes source triangulation

techniques, namely by providing data from various data sources with consideration to

achieving research objectives. The data source comes from advertisements for food and

beverage products in online videos obtained by observation. This research data is in the form

of advertising texts for food and beverage products that utilize the characteristics of advertising

language. Next, the data is classified in tabular form based on theory with supporting data.

Simultaneous data analysis using the Spradley qualitative analysis model, through four major

stages, namely: domain analysis, taxonomy, components and cultural themes. The basic

characteristics of designing advertisements for child-friendly food and beverage products in

online videos show that the most dominant is the use of short words, so they are easy to

understand quickly. Next, in second place is advertising that is selling (persuasive); third,

continuous repetition or repetition in the body of the advertisement; fourth, the use of words

that are easy to understand and do not raise doubts in the minds of readers or listeners; and

finally the maximum use of words and conveying the message immediately

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