Tri Nugroho Budi Santoso


The purpose of the research are to improve the learning result and encourage
the student of office Administration Class IX SMK Negeri 1 Banyudono, to be
active in the subject of Personal Administration, through collaboration of Think
Pair Share with Talking Stick model. This research are a kind of classroom
action research. The research are conducted in two cycles, where on each cycle
consisting of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The subject
of this research are 32 students of office Administration Class IX SMK Negeri 1
Banyudono. The data source are taken from the teachers and the students.
Data collection technique used are the technique of observation, interview,
test and analysis of documents. The validity of the data use data triangulation
and methods triangulation. Data analysis use descriptive comparative and
critical analysis techniques. The research procedures are: (a) planning, (b)
implementation, (c) observation and interpretation, and (d) analysis and
reflection. The results showed that through the Collaboration application of
Think Pair Share with Talking Stick model could improved learning result and
encourage the student to be active. The active students increased by 40
percent with the following details: at first there were 38 percent active
students, then increased to 56 percent in the first cycle, then increased to 78
percent in the second cycle. The learning result also increase, on cognitive
aspects, the graduation rate are increased by 29 percent with the following
details; At first only 59 percent of students who graduated, then increased to
78 percent in the first cycle, then 88 percent in second cycle. The average of
the learning result also increased in all aspect. On cognitive aspects, increase 5
percent with the following details; at first the average cognitive point are only
3,26, then increased to 3,38 in the first cycle, then 3,26 in second cycle. On affective aspect, increase 13 percent with the following details; at first the average affective point are only 3, 26, then increased to 3,41 in the first cycle, then 3,79 in second cycle. On psychomotor, increase 2 percent with the following details; at first the average psychomotor point are only 3,46, then increased to 3,54 in the first cycle, then 3,56 in second cycle. The conclusion of this research are the Collaboration application of Think Pair Share with Talking Stick model could improve the learning result and encourage the student to be active in the subject of Personal Administration.

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