Acute Pancreatitis In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus With Multiple Stones In The Cystic Ductus

Hana Indriyah Dewi, Adhizti Naluriannisa Edya Nugraha, Rianita Marthasari, Basundara Aditya Hernawan, Desy Puspa Putri, Nurhasan Agung Prabowo


Introduction: Severe upper abdominal pain is one of the symptoms of acute pancreatitis that often occurs in other diseases, such as peptic ulcer, acute hepatitis, cholangitis, and cholecystitis. Gallstone-induced acute pancreatitis has considerable morbidity and mortality.

Case illustration: A 50-year-old man came to the ED with a chief complaint of severe abdominal pain in the upper abdomen, VAS 8-9. His past medical history was unknown. On arrival, blood pressure was 141/102 mmHg, pulse was 98x/minute, and temperature was 36.4ºC. CT Scan of the abdomen showed pancreatitis and multiple stones in the cystic duct. Amylase and lipase serum results were 1897U/L and >3000 U/L.

Discussion: In acute pancreatitis caused by gallstones, stones usually get stuck in the branches of the pancreaticobiliary duct. Obstruction at this location causes reflux of bile into the pancreatic duct. Smaller gallstones are more likely to induce pancreatitis because they migrate more easily between bile ducts. This patient was suspected of having a previously unknown history of DM, which contributed to the patient's worsening condition.

Conclusion: Early management and treatment of triage, fluid resuscitation, and detection of local or systemic complications are essential. In pancreatitis due to gallstones, decisions about the need and timing of procedural intervention are critical. 


Gallstones; Pancreatitis; Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

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