Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Nomor 8 Tahun 2020 tentang Pengembangan Kabupaten Layak Anak di Kabupaten Karanganyar

andriyan rahardi, Andina Elok Purimaharani


Child friendly districts are districts that have a district government development and public service system with the support of parents, families, communities and children's forums to realize children's rights through a sustainable integration through policies, programs, activities and budgeting for child welfare. So, based on this and as part of sensitizing all parties on child rights and responsive development, the Karanganyar Regency Government stipulates the Regional By- Law Number 8 of 2020 regarding Regency Friendly Development children which aims to serve as a reference in the implementation of the realization of the rights of the child. This research is an attempt to describe and examine the problem, first, the implementation of regional regulation number 8 of 2020 concerning the development of eligible districts. Secondly, obstacles and success factors are the Karanganyar Regency Government in the implementation of the Regional By- Law Number 8 of 2020 regarding the development of eligible districts. This research is non-doctrinal legal research or socio-legal research using descriptive research. The types of data used are primary data sources and secondary data sources. Primary data collection was carried out using interview and observation techniques. Secondary data sources include primary, secondary, and tertiary legal documents. In this technique, researchers tend to choose informants who are considered to know the information and issues in depth and who can be trusted to be accurate sources of data. The results of the study indicate that in a qualitative manner, the regulatory framework and institutional realization of Child Friendly Cities has been implemented by the Karanganyar Regency Government through the Regional Regulation Number 8 of 2020 regarding the development of child-friendly districts, although it can be said that it has not been maximized with the existing constraints which include penal provisions not yet charged in regional by-law number 8 of 2020 regarding the development of child-friendly districts children, constraints on public awareness and constraints on government facilities and instruments.


children's rights; policy implementation; child friendly districts

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