Peran Pemerintah Daerah Kota Semarang dalam Penanganan Pengungsi dari Luar Negeri

Tyara Devy Purnamasari, Adriana Grahani Firdausy


This research discusses the role of of the Local Government of Semarang City through executes the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 125 Of 2016 Concerning Handling of Foreign Refugees. This research uses a sosiolegal type and has analytical describing. The data retrieval was carried out by interview and document study. The analysis technique uses qualitative with interactive form. The results show that the implementation of Article Number 26 Presidential Regulation Number 125 Of 2016 Concerning Handling of Foreign Refugees by the Local Government of Semarang City is not doing well, especially in 2016-2019 after the enactment of the regulation. The allocation of shelters for foreign refugees is bestowed to IOM and Rudenim. Even though the allocation is not provided by the local government, but they still trying its best to provide health and education facilities. If reviewed based on Donald S. Van Meter and Carl E. Van Horn implementation principles, the implementation of regulation is not done well. Particularly on the disposition or the agent attitude variable.


local government; foreign refugees; community house

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