Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dalam Melindungi Hak Aksesibilitas Penyandang Disabilitas Terhadap Fasilitas Tempat Ibadah di Kota Surakarta

Dea Alfiant Hariyanto Putra, , Achmad


This study aims to determine the extent of fulfillment of the right to accessibility of persons with disabilities to facilities places of worship in Surakarta and what the Government's policy of City Surakarta is related to this issue. This research is a descriptive legal research, with a qualitative approach. Types of data collected include primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used are field studies and literature studies. The analysis technique used is a qualitative data analysis technique by using, grouping, and selecting data obtained from field research, then connected with theories, principles, and legal rules obtained from literature studies. The results of this study indicate that the majority of places of worship in the city of Surakarta are not yet considered accessible for persons with disabilities. Of the forty (40) places of worship studied by the author, there is not a single place of worship that has an index of value and percentage with a "very good" level, there are only two (2) places of worship, namely the Java Nusukan Christian Church and the Sumber Java Christian Church which are located at the lower level, namely the "good" level with the index and percentage above 60%. This research was conducted on places of worship of all existing religions, namely Islam, Catholicism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. The obstacles that occur in the implementation of local government policies in protecting accessibility rights at places of worship are due to the lack of local government knowledge regarding the provisions in the applicable regulations governing the accessibility of places of worship. In addition, there are also differences in understanding between local governments, institutions or administrators of places of worship, and persons with disabilities, as well as the absence of a space to bring together related parties in an effort to find solutions regarding the accessibility of places of worship in Surakarta City.


accessibility of places of worship; persons with disabilities; local government policy

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