Wolastian Jati Risdianto, Adriana Grahani F


This research describes and examines the comparison of legislative authority between the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia and the United States Senate and formulates the ideal legislative authority that can be applied by the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia as a Regional Representative Body. This research is included in the type of normative research. The approach used by the author is a statutory, historical, comparative, and conceptual approach. The technique of collecting legal materials is carried out by literature study. Legal material analysis techniques are analyzing the results of research and discussants by using the existing theories in the literature review. The results showed the similarities and differences in legislative authority between the DPD RI and the United States Senate. The similarities are 1. The DPD and Senate legislative powers are listed in the state constitution. 2. The DPD and the Senate can propose a bill. The difference is 1. DPD can only propose drafts related to regionalism while the Senate can propose draft laws as a whole 2.DPD participates in discussing draft laws related to regionalism 3. DPD cannot participate in approving any draft laws, The Senate participates in approving every bill. The DPD does not have the power to cancel the Presidential Veto while the Senate has the power to cancel the Presidential Veto. The ideal legislative authority of the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia uses the theory of a unitary state, so the DPD RI is given legislative authority from submitting to approving drafts related to regionalism.




DPD RI, United States Senate, Legislative Authority, Regional Representative Body

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Legal Documents

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Peraturan Peundang-Undangan

Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945

The Constitution of The United States of America

Putusan MK Nomor 79/PUU-XII/2018.


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