Wahyu Febrianto, Adriana Grahani Firdausy


This study aims to determine the testing of regional regulations by the Supreme Court after the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 137/PUU-XII/2015 for  the  implementation  of  good  governance. This  type  of  research is legal research, prescriptive and applied. Sources of legal materials used are primary and secondary legal materials, collection of legal materials by means of literature study, approach techniques using a case approach and legal material analysis techniques using syllogism and interpretation methods using deductive thinking patterns. Based on the results of research conducted by the author, it is known that after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 137/PUU-XIII/.2015 has returned the cancellation authority to the Supreme Court has a correlation with good governance. The annulment of a regional regulation under the authority of the Supreme Court (judicative) in the author’s view is a fair test tool for the obedience of the Regional Government to the implementation of good governance, specifically related to the formation of Local Government Regulation.


Judicial Review; Good Governance; Local Government Regulation

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