Kesesuaian Kawasan Transit di Kota Surakarta Berdasarkan Konsep Transit Oriented Development

Dwiki Kuncara Jati, Kuswanto Nurhadi, Erma Fitria Rini


Uncontrolled and inconsistent urban growth trigger the growth of new, non-interconnected distribution centers (sprawl). The problem that came later was the emergence of congestion problems affecting the economic, social and environmental sectors. TOD concept as an alternative solution to these problems by integrating transport and spatial development in the surrounding area transit stations. Surakarta is one of the cities that implement the concept of TOD at its transit station considering the role of Surakarta City as the National Activity Center (NAC) which makes itself as its hinterland destination. Implementation of the concept is evident from the development of the Bus Rapid Transit transportation system under the name BST (Batik Solo Trans) which has three corridors of travel route to date. The purpose of this study is to assess the suitability of regional transit stations that pass through the three routes to the concept of TOD. The research technique  used is quantitative technique  by using scoring analysis method. The results of the research mentioned that the transit district of Solopurwoari, Solobalapan and Solojebres included in the inappropriate closer classification to the concept of TOD. It is due to the three transit areas have not fulfilled the concept of sixth principle tod, including density, mixed-uses, pedestrian and cyclist friendly and parking. Therefore, transit planning is required to accommodate these six principles.

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