Penerapan Konsep Superblok dalam Perancangan Kawasan Terpadu Di Jalur Lingkar Utara Kota Surakarta

Valentinus Boris, Samsudi Samsudi, Agung Kumoro


The number of population in cities has increased into a very spectacular number. That phenomenon simultaneously pushes the cities to find the solutions that could comprehensively solve many urban problems. Especially in the developing cities, the problems are much complexier. Inefficient urban planning is the main problem which is derived into such problems: traffic jam; backlog increasing number; floods; etc. One that could be the solution is the superblock concept. Superblock could provide an integrative planning between many function zones: residencials; offices; shopping center; public spaces; etc. In this concept, citizens could do their daily activities just in one site because all places are closely connected.

City of Surakarta is one of developing cities in Indonesia which has many urban problems and potentials. High population density, backlog number, and traffic jam are the problems. On the other hand, the city also has potentials: high public economic level, high property commercial market, and developments of the city. By those problems and potentials, City of Surakarta could adapt the superblock concept to develops a mixed-use area.

Mixed-use area could solve the vital problems: backlog number. By the superblock concept, the mixed-use area can not only provide residencial facilities but also provide commercial areas to develop the city such as shopping center and retail offices for the inhabitant’s lifestyle fulfillment. 2500 units apartment, 250 units retail office, shopping center, and public park are the main facilities in this mixed-use area. Each facility is also devided into some supporting facilities. By adapting the concept of superblock in planning a mixed-use area, several of urban problems in the City of Surakarta are hopefully solved.



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