Kesesuaian Taman Cerdas sebagai Ruang Publik skala Pelayanan Kelurahan terhadap Konsep Kota Layak Anak (KLA)

Rahma Puspita Sari, Kusumastuti Kusumastuti, Rufia Andisetyana Putri


The Child Friendly City (CFC) is a concept for a city that can guarantee children to get their rights in urban area. The Child Friendly City (CFC) is expected for children to get their rights including health, protection, care, education, no discrimination, aware of their environment and culture, participate in designing the city, and have the freedom to play. Surakarta is one of the cities in Indonesia which have applied the concept of Child Friendly City (CFC) since 2008. To support implementation of Child Friendly City (CFC) concept, the city must provide a public space for children to be able to transfer their creativity and also have recreational purpose, which is ‘taman cerdas’. The right choice of location, facility, environment, and security need to be considered, because each children go through different phase. The purpose of this study are (1) Knowing the suitability of taman cerdas component as the public space of neighborhood service scale to the concept of Child Friendly Cities (CFC) and (2) Analyze the suitability level of taman cerdas as the public space of neighborhood service scale to the concept of Child Friendly Cities (CFC). The method used in this research is quantitative research with deductive approach, this research used scoring analysis. Survey conducted for this study were primary surveys, consist of observation and interviews, and secondary survey in the form of data. From these results, the advantage of knowing the level of conformity of ‘taman cerdas’ as the public spaces of neighborhood service to the concept of Child Friendly Cities (CFC) has four variables such as strategic location, facilities for playing and learning according to the needs of children, comfortable and healthy environment, as well as comfort and security. Then those variables are used for the assessment tools to eight ‘taman cerdas’ in Surakarta. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there are four ‘taman cerdas’ is match with the variables above, which is ‘taman cerdas’ Mojosongo, Joyotakan, Pajang, and Jebres. Meanwhile there are also four taman cerdas that not match with the variables of thes research those are taman cerdas Sumber, Gandekan, Kadipiro, and Pucangsawit. The conclusion is the city needs to increase the the component for taman cerdas  as public space service scale of neighborhood for Child Friendly Cities (CFC) at Surakarta.


Keywords: Conformitty, Smart Park, Public Space, Child Friendly Cities (CFC)

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