Alkukosrat : Pengembangan Alat Ukur Kolesterol dan Asam Urat Secara Non-Invasif Menggunakan Sensor TCRT-5000

Maya Shofani, Firman Hardianto, Heni Sumarti


Abstract: Research has been carried out on the development of a non-invasive cholesterol and uric acid level measuring instrument using TCRT 5000 sensor. The purpose of this research is to create an innovative medical instrument measuring device that is easy, cheap, does not increase the accumulation of medical waste and is not painful (Invasive). The measuring instrument developed by the researcher was named Alkukosrat (Measuring Cholesterol and Uric Acid). Methode of this research is RnD (Research and Development) research through the stage of planning, processing, and testing tool. Testing of the instrument is carried out by measuring cholesterol of 14 sample and uric acid levels of 16 samples of random participants using the invasive method and the non-invasive method. The results of the calibration instrument produce accuracy was qualify the standard of the medical measuring instrument with an accuracy of measuring cholesterol levels of 97,98% and measuring uric acid levels of 95,2%. This research resulted in an innovation of cholesterol and uric acid measuring instruments as an alternative to non-invasively measuring cholesterol and uric acid levels.

Abstrak: Telah dilakukan penelitian pengembangan alat ukur kadar kolesterol dan asam urat secara non-invasif dengan menggunakan sensor TCRT 5000. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menciptakan inovasi alat ukur alat kesehatan yang mudah, murah, tidak menambah penumpukan sampah medis dan tidak menyakitkan (non-invasif). Alat ukur yang dikembangkan peneliti bernama Alkukosrat (Alat ukur kolesterol dan asam urat). Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian RnD (Research and Development) melalui tahap perencanaan, pengolahan, dan pengujian alat. Pengujian instrumen dilakukan dengan mengukur kadar kolesterol dari 14 sampel dan asam urat dari 16 sampel partisipan acak menggunakan metode invasif dan non-invasif. Nilai kalibrasi alat menghasilkan tingkat akurasi data yang memenuhi standar alat ukur medis dengan akurasi pengukuran kadar kolesterol sebesar 97,98% dan pengukuran kadar asam urat 95,2%. Penelitian ini merupakan inovasi alat ukur kolesterol dan asam urat sebagai alternatif pengukuran kadar kolesterol dan asam urat secara non-invasif.


Alat Ukur Medis; Kolesterol; Asam Urat; Invasif; Non-invasif

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