Developing Technical English Vocabulary Teaching Materials Based On Call

Yogi Widiawati


Abstract: The research is aimed to assist the English teachers and facilitate the students of Politeknik Negeri Jakarta (State Polytechnics of Jakarta), in learning technical English vocabularies. As students of polytechnics, they study ESP (English for Specific Purposes). In practice, they find some obstacles in memorizing technical vocabularies which are very important in order to read and understand manual books for laboratory and workshop, such as: “pile”, “bench”, et cetera. The research outcome is the software which can be used for practicing their vocabulary memory, so they will be more skillful and knowledgeable. This software is designed by using the program of Rapid E-Learning Suite Version 5.2 and Flash CS3. The software exercises contain some exercises on reading text and reading comprehension questions and presented with the multiple answers. This software is handy and flexible because students can bring it anywhere and be studied anytime. In other words, they have flexibility to learn and practice technical English vocabulary. As a result, the students are found one of the ways to overcome their problems of memorizing vocabularies. The product is a kind of software which is easily used and portable so that the students can use the software anywhere and anytime. It consists of 3 (three) sections of exercises. At the end of each exercise, the students are evaluated automatically by looking at the scoring system. These will motivate them to get good score. The most important thing is that by using this software the students can practice technical English vocabulary both in classroom or at home.

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu para pengajar Bahasa Inggris dan memfasilitasi mahasiswa jurusan Teknik di PNJ untu belajar Bahasa Inggris Teknik, terutama belajar Bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan khusus (ESP). Dalam prakteknya sehari-hari, mereka menemukan kesulitan memahami Bahasa Inggris Teknik karena kebanyakan dari mereka adalah lulusan dari sekolah menengah umum. Oleh karena itum dibutuhkan suatu perrangkat lunak agar mereka dapat berlatih kosakata Teknik. Perangkat lunak ini dibuat dengan program rapid E-Learning Suite version5,2 dan Flash CS3. Perangkat ini terdiri dari teks bacaan dan Latihan kosakata Teknik yang dapat dipelajari oleh mahasiswa kapan pun dan dimana pun. Pada akhir Latihan, mahasiswa dapat melihat hasil pembelajaran dari soal Latihan yang telah mereka kerjakan.


ESP, English for Engineering; Software; Vocabulary

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