Teks Poster di Lanskap Linguistik Sekolah

Hidayat Widiyanto


Abstract: Posters are a medium that is often found in public places, including in the school environment. Posters displayed at school have a specific social function. Because it is displayed in the school environment, the poster text is categorized in the linguistic landscape. The purpose of this study is to observe the posters on display at SMPN 44 Jakarta based on genre theory which focuses on social functions, structures, and linguistic characteristics. The research method used Philip Myring content analysis with the development of inductive categories. The findings of the study stated that the social function of poster text was dominated implementation of healthy life. Many posters come with no complete text structure. Furthermore, text analysis was carried out based on the number of clauses, type of predicate, syntactic classification, and transitivity process. Analysis of linguistic characteristics found that not all poster texts presented slogans, most used imperative sentences. The existence of the poster text can also have implications for student learning in the competence of poster text in class VIII of junior school.



landscape; linguistics; poster; school; text

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