Luh Anik Mayani


Abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic requires the government to announce developments and efforts to handle the Covid-19 case every day. Doctor Achmad Yurianto was appointed as the Spokesperson for Covid-19 Handling. The Spokesperson's daily speech is interesting to research to find out the dynamics of the Spokesman's daily discourse (speech) from March-June 2020. The analysis is based on the emergence of high-frequency lexicons (lexicons that become keywords), concordances, and other grammatical markers (modalities) which construct meaning in the discourse. In addition, to strengthen arguments, the analysis also displays the context of events when the discourse is being conveyed. The findings in this study are that from the four discourses spoken by the Covid-19 spokesperson, the keywords that appear consistently for four months are our keywords. Meanwhile, the keywords that appear consistently in the three corpuses are the words person and brother. Apart from these three words, the keywords of each corpus vary: the most keywords are 12 words and the least are 5 keywords. These keywords produce the closest context (concordance) that appears the most, namely in the form of noun phrases. In terms of modality, keywords capture intentional, epistemic, deontic, and dynamic modalities that appear differently in each corpus. In terms of meaning, the Spokesperson's discourse on Covid-19 shows the suitability of the situation context of each discourse. The Covid-19 spokesperson's discourse did not create a meaning / atmosphere of fear, but vigilance. In fact, to prepare to enter a new period of normality, the spokesman also reminded the public to remain productive, but still be wise / selective in choosing productive / unproductive activities outside the home, and still apply health protocols (wearing masks, keeping distance, and washing. hand).


Speakers; Covid-19; Keywords

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