Afrini Rahmi, Upit Yulianti DN


Abstract: The Covid 19 (Corona) pandemic outbreak that has plagued Indonesia since February 2020 until now has had a profound impact on the lives of the nation in various aspects. Massive reporting in various media also contributed to influencing one of the patterns of social life of the Indonesian people. New terms relating to this case began to be known by the public through various news. The terms related to the case have emotive and evocative values which have an impact on people's attitudes and behavior in their social environment. This paper discusses emotive values and evocative values that appear as a result of the terms attached to the Covid pandemic case 19. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive analysis method. Based on the results of the research found that the term attached to someone affected by this case affected the social life of the victim, such as being ostracized and alienated from the social environment. Therefore, for this case there needs to be an intensive approach from the competent parties to be able to provide the right understanding to the community so as not to misinterpret the terms in this pandemic case.


emotive value; evocative value; term; covid 19

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