Aulia Normalita


Abstract: The lyrics of the song are poems sung. In addition to functioning as entertainment song lyrics created as a manifestation of expression soul author feeling. In this case, the listener participates in assessing, responding, remembering, and sensing what is written in the lyrics of the song being heard. The research aims to describing the ID, ego and superego listeners through the lyrics of Didi Kempot with the literary psychology approach Sigmun Freud. Method used qualitative descriptive with content analysis techniques and interview techniques. Data sources of Song lyrics 1) exhibitionist Bojo, 2) Cidro, 3) Banyu Langit, and interviews from respondents. Data analysis techniques using interactive model analysis. The results showed a psychiatric structure in the form of ID, ego, and superego to the listeners and lyrics of the song by Didi Kempot. The Ego occupies the highest percentage among listeners, that they consciously elicit emotional when they hear the song.  This is strengthened by the lyrics of the songs studied by showing the highest ego percentage. Then through literary psychology can describe the mental structure of the listener and the lyrics of the song both in the form of ID, ego and superego.


Psychology of Literature; song lyrics; listeners

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