Mohd. Zaidi, Aswan Aswan


Abstract: Indonesian language in addition to being the language of instruction in the world of education also strengthens one's self-identity. That is what forms the basis of this research. This study aims to find out how to use Indonesian children of Indonesian migrant workers from Sabah Malaysia who attend SMA Plus Permata Insani Islamic School Tangerang Banten. Students who come from Sabah Malaysia are Indonesian citizens who have long lived in Malaysia. They are the children of Indonesian migrant workers who have the opportunity to study in Tangerang, Banten. The method used in this research is qualitative. The main purpose of using this method is to describe how the use of Indonesian students from Sabah Malaysia who attend SMA Plus Permata Insani Islamic School. The results of the study revealed that the conditions in Indonesian children of Indonesian migrant workers can be seen from three things. First in communicating with friends who have the same regional status. Secondly, to friends who are familiar with regular Indonesian students. Third from classmates in learning. Besides, the condition of Indonesian language students can also be seen based on their communication with the teacher informal learning activities.


Indonesian; children of Indonesian migrant workers; teacher perspective

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