Nadya Inda Syartanti, Made Sri Satyawati, I Wayan Ardi Sumarta


Abstract:  This study aims to reveal the use of the structure of the themes-rhema in the text of Balinese folklore Pan Belog translated into Indonesian as a source of data. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method by collecting data in the form of words, clauses, and sentences in the text of Pan Belog with the documentation method through a competent, free listening technique. Data that has been collected, clarified into themes and rhema, are then broken down into interpersonal themes, textual themes, and topical themes, where topical themes are broken down more specifically into marked topical themes and unmarked topical themes. The results of the classification of themes and rhema will show the types of themes that dominate in the Pan Belog text. The results showed that the Pan Belog text was dominated by topical, theme-based themes contained in the first clause. Conversely, unmarked topical themes are more commonly found in the second clause as rhema. However, unmarked topical themes can also be found in the first clause when the topical theme has a more specific breakdown. In essence, the element that can be categorized as a topical theme if in the clause there are elements of the subject whether there is information in front of it (marked) or there is no information in front of the subject (unmarked). Also, there is a textual theme in the Pan Belog text, both in the form of conjunctions and in the form of continuance discourse markers, while from various types of interpersonal theme forms, only the form of greeting words and question words found in the Pan Belog text.


interpersonal theme; Pan Belog; rhema; textual theme; theme; topical theme

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