Viki Diyanti


Abstract:  The kind of slang in the written form is found on social media. One of social media applications that is popular in Indonesia is webtoon (web-based comics). One of Indonesian author opus is webtoon “Just Friend” by CL Nov, a story about the friendship among senior high school students.There are varieties of language used in webtoon such as Indonesian, Javanese, Sundanese, and English, afterward the languages were integrated into slang. This research focuses on the form of slang, the process of forming slang, and the function of slang in webtoon “Just Friend”. This research is a qualitative research using descriptive method. Data collection was committed by using tapping, SBLC, and note taking technique. The result showed that the form of slang in webtoon “Just Friend” consisted of 3 types namely ordinary slang, acronym, and abbreviation. The process of forming slang consisted of removing vowels and consonants, replacing vowels and consonants, adding vowels and consonants, reduplication, and affixation. The lexicon of slang was formed by the creation of new meaning in the lexicon, the creation of new meaning and new lexicon, and the meaning still associating with denotation meaning. The function of slang language consisted of satirical function, smoothing speech, familiarizing function, forcing function, and concealing something.


slang; webtoon; sociolinguistic

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