Famala Eka Sanhadi Rahayu, Aries Utomo, Muhammad Natsir


Abstract:  The new formation of slangs is evidence that languages develop dynamically. The slangs are generated more in the digital era as the presence of social media which one of them is Twitter contributed quite significantly. Twitter which is simple and easy to use makes it the best place in the process of user creativity, one of which is in making new words. Inventory of this word becomes important because the rapid development of language allows for changes that have not been recorded so that they do not leave traces. Therefore, the researchers try to investigate the new slangs contained in Twitter and its formation process to draw conclusions what process is the most dominant used. This research is a qualitative study with a corpus study whose data is taken from Twitter uploads from Indonesian users. The results of this study found that there are six new word formation processes found in Twitter posts such as blending, clipping, acronyms, compound, borrowing and multiple processes. Blending is the most dominant process used by Twitter users in Indonesia because it is easier and looks more creative.


New Word Formation; Slangs; Twitter

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