Fitri Febriyanti


Abstract:  The term corona can be understood variously because it comes from a foreign language. This study aims to determine how the understanding of mahasantri at STAI Al-Anwar Sarang about the term corona was analyzed using conceptual metaphorical theory. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collected by filling out forms on google forms and there were 133 people who filled out questionnaires. In this study there are 12 types of targets as a form of mahasantri's understanding of corona. The types of targets are, (a) corona is a virus; (b) corona is a plague; (c) corona is a disease; (d) corona is a pandemic; (d) corona is a bacterium; (e)  corona is a crown; (f) corona is a thing; (g) corona is a name; (h) corona is a supernatural being; (i) corona is a conspiracy; (j) corona is a trial; (k) Corona is God's creation. Image classification schemes that appear in mahasantri’s understanding of the term corona include FORCE, IDENTITY, EXCISTENCE, UNITY, and SPACE. The characteristics of mahasantri's understanding of the term corona appear in the crystallized religious approach through research data.


Corona; Conceptual Metaphor; STAI Al-Anwar Sarang

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