Haifasyadza Azhar Fauziyyah, Asih Prihandini


Abstract: The research aims to find and analyze meme used in “SmartphOWNED” Facebook account. Meme is an idea, habit or style that spread from person to person in a culture (Diaz, 2013: 84) and Buchel (2012: 29). It is written in kinds of form and has contextual meaning. Method used in this research is qualitative method. The data were taken randomly from Google in screen capture mode then were selected. After selecting the data, they are analyzed in order to meet the aims of the research. The result of the research shows that some meme used in “SmartphOWNED” Facebook account written in an acronym and some others are in a free morpheme. They are used in net chatting to make humor discourse on the chat room. The words used in the data have denotative meaning and contextually represent a humor discourse. One of the reason it represents a humor discourse since it is spoken in a homophone form then results the misunderstanding among the speaker about the stands for the acronym. Game of language found in the research has effect to make a humor discourse by representing some reasons.


Game of Language; Humor Discourse; Net chatting

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