Angga Pranata, Riajeng Woro Megaswari, Sumarlam Sumarlam


Abstract:  This study aims to describe the types of Chinese complement in the basic level HSK (汉语 水平 考试) questions. The object of this research is the complement of Mandarin in the basic level HSK questions. The method used in analyzing the data is the distributional method, which is an analysis of data where the determinant tool is part of the language in question. The researcher's intuition and knowledge of the use of language are central in this distribution method. The determinant tool in this study is complements contained in the sentences in the HSK questions, namely HSK Level 1 and 2. The results of data analysis in general, in the basic level HSK questions, it is known that. There are several types of complement in Mandarin, such as the result complement (结果 补语) which states an action that has ended, the quantity complement (数量 补语) which states the comparative degree, and the possible complement (可能 补语) which states the possibility of being achieved. In general, these complements function as predicates (P) located behind the predicate verbs and the particles that follow the verb.


complement; mandarin; HSK (汉语水平考试)

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