Ita Meiarni


Abstract: The research purposes to describe the similarities and differences in Muna and Indonesian reduplication. This research is a type of contrastive analysis. The objects in this study are words that are included in reduplication or repeat words in Muna and Indonesian. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study in the form of complete reduplication in Indonesian include the categories of nouns, verbs, adjectives and numeralia. Whereas in Muna there are no adjective categories. In complete reduplication of Muna the perfect repetition of the word has not been found. Partial reduplication in Indonesian covers the categories of adverb, and pronouns. Meanwhile, partial reduplication in Muna includes nouns, verbs, adjectives, and numeralia. The reduplication affects the Muna and Indonesian languages in the same category, namely nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. However, in reduplication the Muna language has not yet been found to add an initial affix to the beginning of the second word as happened in Indonesian in the written word. Reduplication changes the sound in Indonesian including the noun, verb, and adjective categories. Whereas in Muna the reduplication has not been found to change sound. Pseudo reduplication in Indonesian is the same as pseudo reduplication in Muna, which includes noun categories.


contrastive; reduplication; Muna Language

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