Mochamad Nuruz Zaman, Luthfi Muhyiddin, Reza Sukma Nugraha


Abstract:  The use of computer raw terms for technicians is unique to analysed. They are so familiar with the English term in the computerization activities of daily activities. Their unique case will be expanded to give the reality of the acceptance of the computer's raw term. This article is analysed qualitatively descriptive and uses data collection techniques in the form of a closed interview which is capable of triggering to know the level of acceptance and analysed deeply by indirect observation methods. Data sources are analysed through their speech and then validated based on the acceptance to get the data that will be processed in the findings and discussion. This study uses sociolinguistics in the context of case studies. This study simply exposed the technician's understanding in the use of computer acceptance terms.


acceptability; computer terms; sociolinguistic; standardization

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