Speech Pattern of Rasulullah Muhammad SAW Toward His Disciples in The Book of Hadith Bukhari: A Pragmatic Study

Wilda Zaki Alhamidi, Dwi Purnanto, Djatmika Djatmika


Abstract: This research aims to find the language patterns of prophet Muhammad saw when talking to his disciples through speech acts and politeness strategies used in the book of hadith Bukhari. The data used in this research are the speeches of prophet Muhammad saw in the conversations towards his disciples in the book of hadith Bukhari. This research is qualitative study and to analyze the data is used heuristics method and means-end method. The result shows that from 66 hadith, found 208 speeches of prophet Muhammad saw to his disciples. The dominance of speech act is directive speech act with 122 speeches and assertive speech act with 61 speeches and the rest containing to others. Moreover, the most dominant politeness that arises is Bald on Record. The directive speech acts dominate the speech of the prophet Muhammad saw because Muhammad received orders from God to teach Islam for humans being, in function to ask hearer to do something. Regarding to the politeness, the strategy of Bald on Record is dominantly used by prophet Muhammad saw because the speeches must be clear delivered without causing ambiguity.

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan pola bahasa Rasul Muhammad saw ketika bertutur kepada para sahabatnya melalui tindak tutur dan strategi kesantunan yang digunakan dalam kitab hadis Bukhari. Data yang digunakan ialah tuturan-tuturan percakapan rasul Muhammad saw kepada para sahabatnya dalam kitab Bukhari. Penelitian ini berjeniskan penelitian kualitatif. Metode analisis yang digunakan ialah metode analisis heuristik dan metode means-end. Dari 66 data hadis dalam kitab hadis Bukhari, ditemukan 208 tindak tutur Rasulullah saw kepada para sahabatnya. Dominasi tindak tutur yang muncul ialah tindak tutur direktif sebanyak 122 dan asertif sebanyak 61, dan yang lainnya ialah komisif, rogatif, dan ekspresif. Adapun penggunaan strategi kesantunan yang dominan ialah kesantunan Bald on Record. Tindak tutur direktif mendominasi tindak tutur Rasulullah Muhammad saw karena beliau mendapatkan perintah dari Tuhan untuk mengajarkan ajaran Islam kepada manusia, sehingga tuturan-tuturan beliau berupa tuturan direktif, yaitu meminta mitra tutur (MT) atau para sahabat untuk melakukan sesuatu. Berkaitan dengan kesantunan, kesantunan Bald on Record menjadi kesantunan yang sering digunakan karena informasi-informasi yang dituturkan bersumber dari Tuhan sehingga tuturannya harus jelas tanpa menimbulkan ambiguitas.


Speech Act; Politeness Strategy; Rasulullah Muhammad; Hadith Bukhari; Disciples

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