Word order typology of Minangkabaunese: How should it be assigned?

Jufrizal Jufrizal


Assigning basic word order typology of one particular language is one of understanding the nature of language at workplace based on typological tests: frequency, markedness, and pragmatically neutral contexts of basic clause constructions. The three ways of testing, however, do not explicitly assert the use of synchronic and diachronic data yet. By these tests, most studies on word order typology of Minangkabaunese, so far, have not optimally included the use of synchronic and diachronic data. The diachronic data are needed in some parts of assigning the word order typology, in fact. This paper discusses how the basic word order of Minangkabaunese in the level of clause should be typologically assigned. Two questions are raised as the bases of data analysis and discussion, namely: (i) are synchronic-diachronic data and evidences needed in assigning and determining the basic word order typology at syntactic level of Minangkabaunese?; and (ii) how should the basic word order typology of Minangkabaunese be assigned? The data analysis indicates that the SVO and VOS are the patterns of basic word order typology of Minangkbaunese; this local language belongs to both SVO and VOS languages. Synchronically and formally, Minangkabaunese tends to be an SVO language, but diachronically it naturally acts as a VOS language. Further data analysis and discussion toward the data collected support the claim that one language may have more than one basic word order typology in which synchronic and diachronic data are meaningful in assigning the typological phenomena. It is argued that synchronic and diachronic data should be appropriately accommodated in assigning word order typology of particular languages as shown by Minangkabaunese presented in this paper. This claim contributes to further studies of basic word order typology cross-linguistically.

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