Ypsi Soeria Soemantri, Susi Machdalena, Nani Sunarni


The area of east Priangan consists of the area of Garut, Tasikmalaya, and Ciamis.  The people  who lives there is the Sundanese, the Sundanese speaks Sundanese language. Those people in those areas are also the batik Sundanese artisans. They create batik motifs with the Sundanese design. However, the Batik lexicons do not use the Sundanese lexicon, the Sundanese batik uses Indonesian lexicons. Even though, the Sundanese uses Sundanese language for communication, they prefer to use Indonesian language in their batik lexicons. The objective for the research are to describe the meanings of the lexicon in Sundanese language amd the semantic changes to use Indonesian language and to describe the philosophy of the batik motif.

The research uses descriptive analysis method in qualitative research. The theory are taken from the Semantics theories by  Riemer. Actually, the role of East Priangan batik for the Sundanese is  that the Sundanese batik has the environmental identity   culturally and geographically. The philosophy of the east Priangian batik contents of a hope and a  preservation of the Sundanese culture. The results of this research are useful for those who are learning the philosophy of the Sundanese culture through batik motif design and this research is useful for the students who learn semantics.

Key words: Lexicon, Batik, Semantics, Philosophy, Sunda

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Sites Bagaimana Sejarah Batik Garut?

www. Sejarah Batik Tasikmalaya.


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