Yatno Yatno, Elfi Mariatul Mahmuda


The influence of newspapers to readers is significant in society, because printed news have become a reference to interpret public problems. The strategies in constructing newspaper text on real events will influent readers to sympathetic and hatred someone ‘actor’. However, not many researches on the strategy have been conducted. This research is to describe a pattern strategy in constructing newspaper text, and analyze on the aspects of representation, relation, and identity, journalists are make-believe the readers. The qualitative research of critical paradigm uses Critical Discourse Analysis, to find the relationship between texts (micro level) with the context of social community (macros social level). Field notes data are taken from newspapers text of Java Post, Kompass, and Surya. Researcher uses direct observation, data codification system, and the guidance to analyze data. The data collection is analyzed using Flow Analysis Models Miles and Huberman. There are linguistic forms, in finding, such as words vocabulary, grammatical, local coherency, and relationship between sentences. Researcher describes and relates variables with all the four linguistic forms. There is Representation strategy, which journalists manipulate vocabulary specific meaning creating moods in the form of Active Sentence, and highlighting actor(s) reaction in support or against context. Meanwhile, Relation shapes the strategy to present participant at the eyes of public opinions as dominant, the opinions to support the participant by the text. On Identity, public participant in the text come from different social class of background in society. Journalist is identified himself as part of the public participants, and all the participants have self-interest in media room. Thus, a text will be instructed by the context of social rules, for example values and ideology in a community or institution, such like government, politics, economy, law, religion, and so forth. It is the strategy to compose the text, so it appears the true facts and the objectivity of journalists accepted by readers. The result shows not neutral phenomena in using specific language codes in the society, and contains particular self-interest of the journalist and participants. Nevertheless, the research of pattern strategies in constructing text newspapers has its weaknesses and limited to one type of media newspapers on text news.


Keywords: Strategy; Representation; Relationships; Identity; Context Social.


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