Wisnu Nugroho Aji


In sport news, specially football, it usually using uniques language which can't be found in the other news. One of them is caused by the use of metaphore. The aim of this paper is to describe the kinds and functions of metaphore in football article on solopos daily newspaper. This paper will explain kinds of metaphores which usually used and the formation of idioms or certain terminology by taking advantages of conceptual metaphore. The data used in thia paper is football sport news from football article on solopos daily newspaper on march-may 2016. The result of this paper shows that metaphores in football article on solopos daily newspaper is as follows: (1) being metaphore; (2) cosmos metaphore; (3) living metaphore; (4) Animate metaphore; (5) human metaphore; (6) genus species metaphore; (7) Species genus metaphore; (8) Analogy metaphore; and (9) Sinaestik metaphore.


Keywords : News , Sports , Football , metaphor, sort of metaphor

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