Sunarya Sunarya, Sumarlam Sumarlam, Sahid Teguh Widodo, Sri Marmanto


The main objective of this research is to describe the existence of Javanese onomatopoeia words in the naming of animate and inanimate objects. This is due to the fact that most of researches on onomatopoeia words have been found in Japanese and Korean language ones. But in Javanese language, such researches are still few. Thus, this research elaborated the productivity of Javanese onomatopoeia words in the naming of animate and inanimate objects and their icon aspects. The result of this research proved that the existence of onomatopoeia words did not leave behind compared to that of onomatopoeia words in its counterparts, Japanese and Korean languages. It is acknowledged that this research only conveys a small portion of the existence of Javanese onomatopoeia words, namely: the naming of animate and inanimate objects although other aspects are very productive in Javanese language.

            This research used the descriptive qualitative method with the point of view of language phenomena and used the techniques of analysis of “agih” (direct distribution) and “padan” (matching). The data of research were collected through a library research on the printed media such Javanese magazines as Jaya Baya, Panjebar Semangat, and Djaka Lodang.

            In the initial stage of the research, discussion would be done on Javanese word roots in the form of onomatopoeia, both the primary and secondary ones. The researcher also would like to obtain a description on the existence of onomatopoeia in the Javanese language roots, namely: a resource for the formation of other Javanese onomatopoeia words. The onomatopoeia word roots were studied in term of their phonesthemes.The second stage would be related to the analysis on the word formation from the onomatopoeia word roots to become other word formations such as base words, reduplication words, and compound words. Of various word forms, their internal structure and phonesthemes were studied. The third stage was the word formation process, which is related to the naming of animate and inanimate objects, and then it was connected with its iconic aspects. By considering the iconic process of Javanese language onomatopoeia words in the naming of objects, the researcher could prove the existence of Javanese onomatopoeia.



Keywords:      Onomatopoeia Javanese language, icons, the naming of animate and inanimate object

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