Sri Sugiharti, Rafani Yurike



            This study was aimed to English Billboards along the road side in her hometown, Batam, because of that writer interested in studying the English words that used in the advertising, especially the billboards along the road in Batam. Writers  investigated, how are the English billboard advertisements on roads in Batam and how is the word meaning of those English billboard advertisements. In addition, this study  was to find out how are the English billboard advertisements on roads in Batam. This was to find out how is the word meaning of those English billboard advertisements by applying theory of semantics bu Leech (1981).

            The source of research data obtained was from the English billboard advertisements on roads in Batam., The Writers got twenty English billboards, some of these billboards is using English as the main language and some of them is using English as the implied language. This study wss analyzed by using descriptive qualitative research.

The result of the study was  the most frequently billboard used English as its language is Brand Advertising ( 90 %). This happened because the brand advertiser want their product can be sold to the multilayered people, as the resident of Batam comes from different backgrounds and nationalities.

This study concluded that a) there were two kinds of Billboard Advertisements that used English as its language; Brand Advertising and Institutional Advertising. b) The most type of Lexical Meaning that used in English Billboard Advertisements is Conceptual Meaning, the second is Connotative Meaning, and the last is Social Meaning.


Key Words: Word Meaning, English Billboard, and Advertisement

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