Sri Kusnita


Pragmatics is one of linguistics at the macro level. One of the areas of studyare deixis. deixis is a word that reference changeable or not anyway. The use of deixis often appear in both oral and written. Deixis usage in written text can appear in folklore. This study to describe the diversity, function, and meaning of deixis contained in the folklore Asal Usul Sungai Landak. The methods used in this research is descriptive qualitative approach with pragmatics methods. The Data in this research is the folklore texts. Based on the analysis of data obtained conclusions, namely 1) variety deixis in folkore Asal Usul Sungai Landak, include (a) the deixis persona; (b) dieksis place; (c) deixis time. (d) deixis pointer. 2) function deixis in the folklore Asal Usul Sungai Landak, include; (a) the function of the deixis persona as a subject, when used in the first point of view, and as objects when used in the third or multiple point of view; (b) the function of the deixis place as instructions description of place; (c) the functions of the deixis of time shows a description of the time; (d) the deixis function pointers as point 3) the meaning of deixis in the folklore Asal Usul Sungai Landak of the referential meaning and description place.

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